Miss Sobha Bose - the live wire that lit up Springdale

Miss Sobha Bose served the Government for Rural Development and Adult Education at Agartala for 30 years. After her retirement she joined M/S Pfizer Ltd.as head of Rural Development and Self Employment project for villages around Kalyani. It was she who took up the initiative to enable Mrs. Ilina Sen start Springdale - the first School not only in Kalyani but also in the adjoining areas with a very modern concept of teaching.

Mr. R.K. Sen - Springdale’s pillar of strength

Late Mr. R.K.Sen, an eminent technocrat of multinational repute, was the friend, philosopher and guide to Mrs. Ilina Sen and a source of energy and inspiration for Mrs I.Sen. As the then Incharge of Pfizer Ltd. Mr. R.K.Sen went out of his way to help his wife Mrs.I.Sen to set up Springdale in 1986 and had been a constant strength of support,and encouragement not only to Mrs. Sen but also for the whole Springdale extended family.

Mrs Ilina Sen - the unfathomable ocean

Mrs. Ilina Sen came to Kalyani with Mr. R.K.Sen her husband, where he had joined M/S Pfizer Ltd. as the Incharge of a Project. Mrs Ilina Sen had previously taught in International Schools in Bombay and several other countries. Mrs. I.Sen’s search for a job was futile as she found no school in Kalyani where she could teach. It was then that Miss Sobha Bose insisted that Mrs. I.Sen to open a play school. Springdale was born on January 27, 1986 with 20 students and 2 teachers. Then began the uphill task to make Springdale what it is today.

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